Turn on radio station KSRO (1350 AM. 103.5 FM) . ( https://www.ksro.com/ )
There are three additional ways to learn about local fires: calls or texts from your neighbors; a notification on NEXT DOOR (https://nextdoor.com/neighborhood_feed/ ) ; or via the PULSE POINT phone app ( https://www.pulsepoint.org ): “a mobile phone application that allows users to view and receive alerts on calls being responded to by fire departments and emergency medical services.”
Our experience of the Kincade fire evacuation was that we first learned about this from our neighborhood groups (by phone or text), then on Next Door, then on local radio station KSRO (1350AM, 103.5FM/93.5FM), and then Nixle,
Here’s how to sign up for NIXLE and SoCoALERT